NASOM’s Annual Meeting is a great opportunity to discuss your research and clinical work in a supportive environment and learn from others who share your interests in medical disorders in pregnancy.

Join us in Newport, Rhode Island on April 25 & 26 for our 2025 Conference!

Book your room now at the beautiful Newport Harbor Island Hotel where the conference will be held and benefit from the group rate until March 31, 2025 – see the Accommodations tab below!


Considering making a holiday out of it? Visit Discover Newport for things to do while you’re there!

We invite you to submit your suggestions for topics that you would like included in the program:




Abstract Submission


NASOM Annual Meeting is a wonderful opportunity to share your research and clinical work with others who share your interests in medical disorders in pregnancy.

Abstract submissions are now being accepted for the April 25 & 26, 2025 NASOM Annual Meeting to be held at the Newport Harbor Island Resort in Newport Rhode Island!

The body of the abstract should be no more than 250 words and may include new research or case reports. Case reports should highlight the importance of cases to be presented and what they add to the existing literature. Research abstracts should be structured to include: Background and Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Submissions must include the presenting author and collaborators’ titles and affiliations as you would like them to appear in the meeting’s abstract material.

Presentations will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the society and all authors will be notified of the status of their abstract. Presentations may be accepted for poster or oral presentation.

The two best oral presentations and the two best posters by a junior faculty/trainee (with less than 5 years in practice) will be honored; this includes the Peter Garner Young Investigator Prize which will be awarded to the best oral presentation. Please indicate on your application if the presenting author is a junior faculty/trainee.

Please make every effort to submit abstracts for consideration by midnight on January 31, 2025 as a Microsoft Word attachment to Caroline Roy at


We invite you to use the block of rooms that have been reserved for us at the Newport Harbor Island Resort, for the nights of April 24, 25 and 26, 2025 at a special rate.

  • Cost is $299.00 US per night (plus applicable taxes and resort fee)
  • Deadline for reservations : March 31, 2025

Make your reservation by clicking here



  • Posters must be hung by the author by 8:00 AM on Saturday, October 14, 2023
  • Poster viewing sessions will take place on Saturday, October 14, 2023, from 10:20-11:00 and 15:00-15:45
  • You will be expected to be available next to your poster at these periods and present your poster to the poster session judges for 3-5 minutes and answer any questions they may have
  • Posters should not be laminated
  • Due to space limitations, posters should be:
    • Portrait format
    • No larger than 108 cm (W) x 112 cm (H ) – 42.5 in x 44 in

Oral Presentations

  • You have 7 minutes for your presentation followed by 2 minutes for question period (total 9 minutes)
  • Please note that moderators will be extremely strict on time and the question period will be removed if time is exceeded
  • There is no specific template to be used for the conference but limiting animations or special effects will make transfer of the presentations easier for the AV crew