About Membership and OBMed Journal

The North American Society of Obstetric Medicine (NASOM) cordially invites all practitioners dedicated to the care of pregnant women to become members in their organization.

Members receive a number of benefits including:

  • Invitations to, and a discount for, NASOM’s continuing education activities;
  • Subscription to the Journal of Obstetric Medicine (which has now been accepted to PubMed Central – all content and future articles will be discoverable in PubMed);
  • Access to a members-only section of the NASOM website
    • Access to webinar recordings
    • Guidelines
    • Key articles
    • Research protocols
    • Presentations from prior conferences
    • Link to the Obstetric Medicine journal on-line
    • Link to the ISOM-NASOM List-serve
    • Educational resources for patients
    • Membership directory